On Sunday May 15, 1955, about 20 men and women gathered to discuss the founding of a German-Canadian Club for the Durham Region.  Under the kind leadership and sound advice of Mr. Frank Lehnert of the German-Canadian Alliance, we selected our first executive and established the first board of directors; it was as follows:

The first Board of Directors - May 15/1955: 

Arthur Schatz, Josef  Schmid, Emil Lingen, Rudi Mäder and Willi Grüneberg. The first election to select a new Board of Directors was held in December 1955,  and the following members were elected to fill a new Board. Alex Hillebrand - President, Rudi Seitl, Rudi Mäder, Willi Grüneberg, Margret Stäger, Joseph Torok, Franz Plob and Josef Schmid.

 Here are some words from the inaugural speech of our first President, Mr. Arthur Schatz: 

“In my humble position of first President elected at this meeting of the "German-Canadian-Club-Oshawa", it is a great honour and pleasure for me to congratulate the members of the later re-named "Club Loreley Oshawa", its Presidents and Directors, the Ladies’ Auxiliary, the teachers of the German school and the instructors of Gymnastics, Dancing, Singing and Sports for their efforts through all these years.

It was their ambition to create a respected organization, holding on to old customs and providing entertainment in our City. 

The steady economic progress of our chosen home "Canada", especially our City of Oshawa, the good cooperation of our authorities, and last but not least our success in professional and private life helped us in our efforts spent towards the Club which is proven by many enjoyable hours in our pleasant Club house.

May we thank our visitors and guests from here and our homeland who have always been faithful to us. 

A saying reads: "One may rest on his laurels, but not sleep on them", this we hope for our future in friendship, understanding and tolerance.”

 A list of the first founding members of Club Loreley - 1955: 

Schatz Arthur, Maeder Rudi, Grüneberg Willi, Schmid Joseph, Lingen Emil, Schwögler Ernst, Lehmann Alfred, Ladewig Heinz,  Hemminghaus Kurt, Stäger Joseph, Koch Karl Heinz, Schleicher Rudolf, Hauck Ernst, Morre Gertrud, Plob Franz, Wunderlich Siggi,  Gertz Ewald, Simon Frank, Mertes Hans, Mayr Hans, Rotschäfer Heinz, Strahl Ulrich, Lengauer Fred, Chrisl Gerhard, Seitl Rudolf,  Melchert Erwin, Illig Hans, Gästlin Ingrid, Frankenstein Paul, Hübner Werner, Hillebrand Alex, Dr. Vollmer Helmut, Adebar Hubert,  Zehethofer Joseph, Baumgartner Jack, Crawford Dennis, Ladwig Erwin, Dezsi Ludwig, Günther Rudolf, Torok Joseph, Galen Walter,  Weigel Reinhold, Kautzky August and Mayer Toni.

At a membership meeting in the spring of 1957, it was resolved to buy the present Club Property.  As the Club had not been incorporated at that time, the property was bought by the members. During the winter of 1960/61 plans were made for the construction of a Club house. 


A building committee was formed. Chairman of this committee was then Club President, Josef Stäger. Members of the building committee were Bruno Rohn, Ulrich Strahl, Erich Behm and Alex Hillebrand. Many hours and evenings were spent discussing the cost and financing of the building. A plan was prepared showing the Club's future home. The cost of the building was estimated at $25,000.00, provided, that many jobs would be done by the members. Additional financing of the building costs was arranged through the sale of bonds and "building bricks". At a membership meeting, the building plans and the method of financing were accepted by the members. The building began in June 1961. Many members helped, and with their practical experience we made progress. However, the numbers of helpers decreased and the Club was forced to hire a contractor which increased the cost. Most of the work was done on weekends. Then the Ladies also got into the act, and curtains, dishes, chairs, etc. had to be purchased. Soon the forecasted expenditure was spent, and we decided to obtain short-term loans from members or banks. By the time we held our first dance in our own Club house, the cost has gone up to $40,000 including all interior furnishing.'


The first dance in our own home was held on November 18th, 1961. We were proud to show our guests the work of many Months. Shortly after, on December 8th a Richtfest (celebration after completion of the building) was held. It was a big lift to finally own our own building.  The number of members increased rapidly and many of our sub-groups were formed at that time. We were also able to apply for a higher mortgage to pay all short-term loans and outstanding bills. Club life at that time was very active. All events were well attended and it was rather easy to satisfy financial obligations during the following years. It didn’t take long until we thought about expanding. 

During the annual membership meeting in the spring of 1965, the motion to expand our building in the form of an addition now called the "Member's lounge", (including a basement and check room) was brought up. Financial arrangements were made with the Bank of Montreal, and a $13000.00 bank loan was approved, the wheels started to roll and the Members lounge became a reality. Many happy and memorable hours have since been spent in this room. To this day, the Member's lounge is still a gathering place for a drink or dinner and many memories among members young and old.


Past Presidents of Club Loreley

Arthur Schatz, 1955-1956

Alex Hillebrand, 1956-1958, 1959-1960, 1963-1964

Josef Stäger, 1958 1959, 1960-1963

Max Duetsch, 1964-1969

Otto Heller, 1969-1975. 1979-1980

Norbert Key, 1975-1979

Olaf Rudolph, 1980-1983, 1990-1992

Kurt Wagner, 1983-1986

Heinz Henninger, - 1986-1990

John Brunner, 1992-1995

Walter Baumeister, 1995-1999

Herbert Albrecht, 1999- 2000

Heiner Kiessling, 2000-2001

Tom Henninger, 2001-2003

Ernst Stader, 2003 - Present